About Earthing Revolution

Welcome to Earthing Revolution. 


During 2020 I was attending regular healing sessions to address a number of health issues.  I was suffering with Arthritis in both thumb joints and high levels of anxiety, which would sometimes escalate to panic attacks. As well as this I was diagnosed with Crohns disease and the Doctors wanted to dissect my bowel. All of these diagnosis and symptoms contributed to poor quality sleep patterns. All of these conditions could have been addressed through the use of medication and surgery as advised by the Doctors.  However, I chose ‘alternative’ natural methods.  These choices were not always easy and often scary because I was being told by the doctors it was risky not using the traditional approach.

During one of my healing sessions the terms ‘Earthing’ and ‘Grounding’ came up.  Not something I had ever heard of.  This then led to my research into the whole subject on Earthing, Earthing products and Earthing the body.  This was the beginning of a profound personal healing journey for me.

I started using Earthing products and continue to Earth myself daily.  I no longer experience arthritic pain, not had a single Crohns flare up, the quality and amount of sleep has improved and I no longer suffer anxiety.   The benefits of Earthing have impacted my life in so many other ways.  I no longer have a fear of flying.  I feel calmer, enjoy increased energy levels, no more aching muscles after working out and overall there is a deeper sense of balance in my life. 

My personal experience of Earthing motivated me to spread the message to others by gifting Earthing products to family and friends.  They too experienced changes to their health.  This inspired me to contact the Pioneer and Inventor of Earthing products Clint Ober to express my gratitude and my desire to ‘Pay it Forward’.  Ever since our first meeting Clint has been my mentor and has supported me with what has now become my passion and desire to create a company that promotes Earthing as an everyday essential health tool.  Now, my passion and mission is to help others benefit from Earthing themselves, just as I have. 

The purpose of this website is to provide you with an educational platform to understand the benefits of Earthing the body and also the opportunity to purchase Genuine Clint Ober Elite Earthing products.

Thank you for visiting Earthing Revolution.  I wish you a positive Earthing experience.

Jen the Earthing Revolution founder image



Earthing Revolution
